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General Loss


Albom, Mitch
Tuesdays with Morrie, Doubleday, 1997
Describes interaction between an older man who is dying and a
younger man who was his student earlier in life.
Anderson, George & Barone, Andrew
George Anderson’s Lessons from the Light, Berkeley Books, NY, 1999
Extraordinary messages of comfort and hope from the other side.
Anderson, George & Barone, Andrew
Walking in the Garden of Souls, G.P. Putnam Sons, NY, 2001
Advice from the Hereafter, for living in the here and now.
Attig, Thomas
How We Grieve: Relearning the World, Oxford University, 1996
Explains through the stories of specific people’s grieving how the
bereaved relearn their relationships—to themselves and their
spirituality, to survivors and others, to time, space, and to the deceased.
Auz, Martin M. & Lyons, Maureen
Handbook for Those Who Grieve, Loyola Chicago Press, 2002
Gives practical approaches for those who grieve or support the grieving.
Many scenarios: work, home, violence, unexpected, elderly, very young.
What to do and say. Useful bibliography.
Teens & Adults
Baugher, Bob, Ph.D. & Sims, Darcie, Ph.D.
The Crying Handbook, Self Published, 2007
This book provides various aspects of crying and why some people cry
and others do not. Includes personal stories.
Adults Obtain through
Baugher, Bob, Ph.D. & Sims, Darcie, Ph.D.
A Guide for the Bereaved Survivor, Self Published, 2012
This is a basic, comprehensive book to help the bereaved survivor,
including reactions and suggestions to cope with grief. Extensive
information in a book short enough for those deep in grief to read.
Adults & Families Obtain through
Baugher, Bob, Ph.D.; Hankins, Carol, M.S.; & Hankins, Gary, Ph.D.
Understanding Anger During Bereavement, Self Published, 2008
This concise book gives insight into the complex issue of anger during
bereavement. Covers reactions, suggestions, and causes, including
coping strategies.
Adults & Families Obtain through
Baugher, Bob, Ph.D. & Sims, Darcie, Ph.D.
Understanding Guilt During Bereavement, Self Published, 2008
40 contributors share their insights into guilt during bereavement.
Includes 22 coping suggestions.
Adults & Families Obtain through
Beattie, Melody
The Grief Club, Hazelden, 2006
Subtitled “The Secret to Getting Through All Kinds of Change,”
Good overall coverage of change, not specific to death.
Berger, Susan A.
The Five Ways We Grieve: Finding Your Personal Path After the
Loss of a Loved One, Trumpeter, 2009
Author goes beyond previously held grief stages to one of practical
healing and self-awareness.
Blume, Judy
Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret, Atheneum, 2001
The story of Margaret’s moving and emotions in forming a new life.
Ages 8-12
Bonanno, George A., Ph.D.
The Other Side Of Sadness: What the New Science of
Bereavement Tells Us About Life After Loss, Basic Books, 2009
Author goes beyond the accepted five stages of grief, indicating
experiences and resilience help us effectively deal with loss.
Bouvard, Marguerite
The Path Through Grief, a Practical Guide, Prometheus, 1998
Contains interviews and personal narratives on all types of loss—spouse,
parent, child, sibling, or friend. Covers loss through illness, stillbirth,
miscarriage, homicide, and suicide with a chapter on AIDS.
Bozarth, Alla Renee, Ph.D.
A Journey Through Grief, Hazeldon Educational Materials, 1994
Short, easily read book to help in the difficult stages of the grieving
Teens & Adults
Bozarth, Alla Renee, Ph.D.
Life is Goodbye, Life is Hello, Hazeldon Educational Materials, 1986
Book deals with grieving through all types of losses.
Late Teens & Adults
Brener, Annie
Mourning and Mitzvah, Jewish Lights, 2001
A guided journal for walking the mourner’s path through grief to
healing. Culturally sensitive with sixty exercises.
Canfield, Jack & Hansen, Mark Victor
Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul, HCI, 2003
This is a collection of heart-warming stories to help everyone get
through all types of loss, disappointments, and sadness.
Adults & Late Teens
Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark V.; & Newmark, Amy
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grieving and Recovery,
Chicken Soup for the Soul, 2011
Authors provide 101 stories of inspiration and comfort to help with
loss and grief.
Late Teens & Adults
Caplan, Sandi & Lang, Gordon
Grief’s Courageous Journey, New Harbinger, 1995
This is a workbook encouraging writing and other methods to work
through grief.
Late Teens & Adults
Colgrove, Melba, Ph.D. & Bloomfield, Harold, M. D.
How to Survive the Loss of a Love, Prelude Press, 2000
Describes overcoming losses of any kind, including death, breakups,
divorce, and the recovery process. Easy to read format with poems
and short quotes.
Late Teens & Adults
Copeland-Payton, Nancy, Ph.D.
The Losses of our Lives: The Sacred Gifts of Renewal in Everyday
Loss, Skylight Paths, 2009
By using strength and resiliency learned from everyday, smaller losses,
we have the ability to deal with larger losses such as death.
Core, C.; Noble, C.; & Core, D.
Death and Dying: Life and Meaning, Thomson, Wadsworth, 2003
Book gives a comprehensive discussion of insights into dying and
Coryell, Deborah Morris
Good Grief: Healing Through the Shadow of Loss,
Shiva Foundation, 1997
The author describes the treasures found at the bottom of grief
and how we are led to embrace the challenges of loss rather than
avoid them.
Deits, Bob
Life After Loss: A Personal Guide Dealing with Death, Divorce,
Job Change & Relocation, Perseus Books, 1999
The book gives positive, sensitive ideas to coping with real-life losses
and changes.
Didion, Joan
The Year of Magical Thinking, Vintage, 2007
Written by a professional author about the death of her husband.
Doka, Kenneth J.
Living with Grief: Loss in Later Life, HFA, 2003
The book encourages everyone to help older people facing grief
and loss.
Adults & Families
Dunn, Paul H. & Eyre, Richard M.
The Birth We Call Death, Bookcraft, 1994 (Mormon Church)
Quotations dealing with death, giving hope for eternal life.
Ellis, Thomas M.
This Thing Called Grief: New Understandings of Loss,
Syren Book Company, 2006
Brief and readable, full of personal experiences and practical advice.
It is an alternative for those who do not relate to the five stages of grief,
as the author emphasizes that grief is not neatly packaged into stages.
Emswiler, Mary Ann & James
Guiding Your Child Through Grief, Bantam, 2000
By Founders of the New England Center for Loss & Transition. Addresses
challenges, including those with teens. Covers communication, feelings,
behaviors, long-term effects, with a family focus.
Fadiman, Ann
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Farrar, Strauss, & Giroux, 1997
Addresses cultural awareness in the grieving process.
Fitzgerald, Helen
The Mourning Handbook, Fireside, 1995
Comprehensive resource offering advice on coping with all
aspects of dying, including childhood grief, funeral, and more.
Lists support groups.
Adults and older teens
Frankl, Viktor, M. D.
Man’s Search for Meaning, Pocket Book, 1984
Deeply touching review of author’s imprisonment in a Nazi camp and
the importance of love that helped him survive his many losses.
Late Teens & Adults
Gibran, K.
The Prophet, Alfred A. Knoph, 1969
Timeless poems expressing feelings of life and death, pleasure and pain,
joy and sorrow. Gives views to help through the most difficult of times.
Late Teens & Adults
Golden, Tom
Swallowed by a Snake, Golden Healing, 1996
This is a valuable resource for men defining grief, describing gender
differences in grieving patterns, and ideas to help work through grief.
Adult Men
Grollman, Earl A.
In Sickness and In Health, Beacon Press, 1987
Coping skills during a loved one’s illness and finding strength.
Adults and Older teens
Grollman, Earl A.
Living When a Loved One Has Died, Beacon Press, 1995
Poems to help through the grieving process.
Grollmam, Earl A.
Living with Loss, Healing with Hope, Beacon Press, 2001
Gives ideas to help heal and regain hope.
Grollman, Earl A.
What Helped Me When My Loved One Died, Beacon Press, 1981
Gives helpful information on a variety of deaths and the ensuing
grieving process.
Late Teens & Adults
Harris, Maxine
The Loss That Is Forever, Plume, 1996
Dealing with the finality of loss and recovering through grief.
Hickman, Martha
Healing After Loss, Avon Books, 1994
Daily meditations for working through grief.
Hipp, Earl
Help for the Hard Times: Getting Through Loss, Hazelden, 1995
Suggestions on getting through the difficult times of grieving and
overcoming the feelings of loss.
James, John W. and Friedman, Russell
The Grief Recovery Handbook, Harper, 1998
A step by step program for moving through the grieving process.
Late Teens & Adults
Kessler, David
The Needs of the Dying, HarperCollins, 2007 Revised
Tools and resources to bring hope, comfort, and love when a loved
one is dying.
Kreis, Bernadine & Pattie, Alice
Up From Grief, Harper San Francisco, 1985
Written to help those who are in grief, those who need to understand
grief in order to help a friend or relative, and those who work with the
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth
Death—The Final Stage of Growth, Prentice-Hall, 1975
Discusses death as giving meaning to life and as part of human
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth & Kessler, David
On Grief and Grieving, Scribner, 2005
Understanding and finding meaning through the five stages of loss.
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth
Wheel of Life, Touchstone, 1997
Having taught the world how to die well, the author offers a lesson in
how to live well as she faces her own death.
Young adult & Adults
Kuenning, Delores
Helping People Through Grief--When a Friend Needs You,
Bethany House, 1987
A sensitive guide to help you know how and when to show your
concern with people in crisis and pain.
Adults and Older Teens
Kumar, Sameet M.
Grieving Mindfully: A Compassionate and Spiritual Guide to
Coping with Loss, New Harbinger Publications, 2005
Based on the Buddhist theory of handling grief, the book offers a quick
summarization of what mindful grieving is. Analyzes why it is a good
thing to take time to do actual battle with grief.
Professionals & Adults
Kushner, Harold S.
When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Avon Books, 1981
This book discusses traumatic events and dealing with the pain.
Teens & Adults
Lee, Judith
What To Do Before and After Someone Dies, Little Moose Press, 2006
Answers questions about death and dying. From making funeral
arrangements to handling special circumstances, gives you the basics.
It is a resource to help those involved navigate the practical
Professionals & Adults
Lenzkes, Susan
When Life Takes What Matters, Discovery House, 1993
Book lists devotions to help through change and crisis.
Teens & Adults
Levine, Stephen
Healing into Life and Death, Anchor, 1989
Facing death and emotions during difficult times of loss.
Levine, Stephen
Unattended Sorrow, Rodale Books, 2005-6
Recovering from loss and reviving ones self.
Lintermans, Gloria & Stolzman, Marilyn
The Healing Power of Grief, Champion Press, 2006
Leads mourners through five sequences of grief into recovery and
balance. Provides helpful do’s and don’ts for the bereaved and their
friends and family. Concrete suggestions in the text and workbook for
readers to put into practice. Gentle, comprehensive and practical.
Professionals & Adults
Manning, Doug
Don’t Take My Grief Away, Harper, 1984
Steps to take when you are losing a loved one.
Marr, Diane Demsey, Ph.D.
The Reluctant Traveler, NavPress, 2002
This is a workbook to guide people after various types of loss—death,
illness, divorce, and others. It gives practical steps, spiritual insight,
and hope.
McCormack, Jerusha H.
Grieving: A Beginner’s Guide, Paraclete Press, 2006
This book is a personal, concrete explanation of ways to deal with the
pain of loss, lessons learned firsthand by the author in her own grieving.
Young adults & Adults
McCracken, Anne & Sempel, Mary
Broken Heart Still Beats After Your Child Dies, Hazeldon, 1998
A collection of poetry, fiction and essays completed by the authors,
a social worker and a journalist, both of whom have lost a child.
Mindell, Arnold
Working with the Dreaming Body and Coma, Lao Tse, 1998
Key to awakening, plus more possibilities of the body’s role in revealing
aspects of the self.
Moore, Thomas
Dark Night of the Soul, Cygnus Books, 2004
Book gives advice in the quest for meaning during life’s darkest hours:
the loss of a loved one, depression, illness, disappointment—giving
genuine solace and guidance.
O’Connor, Nancy, Ph.D.
Letting Go With Love, La Mariposa Press, 1984
Gives steps and guides through various losses, including suicide,
with emphasis on coping and healing.
Teens & Adults
Parkes, Collin M.
Bereavement, Penguin, 1998
Adult life studies on grief are examined.
Parkes, Colin Mary; Laungani, Pittu; & Young, William
Death & Bereavement Across Cultures, Routledge, 2000
This is a useful resource for anyone to help understand others in a
multicultural setting, including schools.
Educational Staff & Adults
Prend, Ashley Davis
Transcending Loss, Berkley Books, 1997
Book discusses the long impact of grief and making it meaningful.
Quackenbush, J. & Graveline, D.
When Your Pet Dies, Pocket Books, 1988
Helps owners understand feelings and grieving when a pet dies.
Teens & Adults
Rando, Therese A., Ph. D.
How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies,
Bantam Books, 1991
Helps understand grief and grieving different types of deaths,
myths about grieving and how to “resolve” grief.
Sanders, Dr. Catherine M.
Surviving Grief, John Wiley Publishers, 1992
Ideas are given to help through the grieving process.
Teens & Adults
Staudacher, Carol
Beyond Grief, New Harbinger, 1987
Describes various types of losses: parent, child friend, including
violent death and suicide. Suggests how to get and give help.
Teens & Adults
Sell, Colleen
Cup of Comfort for the Grieving Heart, F & W. Media Co., 2010
Through fifty empathetic and tender stories, the author shows the
readers that others understand their sadness, and that there are
brighter days to come.
Young adults & Adults
Staudacher, Carol
Time to Grieve, Harper Collins, 1994
Book provides an examination of the grief process including meditations
for healing after the death of a loved one.
Young adults & Adults
Tatelbaum, Judy
The Courage To Grieve, Lippincott & Crowell, 1993
Creative living, recovery and growth through grief.
Terkel, Studs
Will the Circle be Unbroken?, Ballantine Publishing, 2001
From the sheer physical facts, to the emotional realities, to the spiritual
speculations, all aspects of death are openly expressed.
Viorst, Judith
Alexander, Who’s Not (Do you hear me? I mean it!) Going to
Move, Aladdin Paperbacks, 1998
This depicts Alexander’s intense feelings about moving and
feelings of loss.
Ages 4-10
Walker, Val
Art of Comforting, Penguin, 2010
A guide on what to say and do for others who are in distress.
Young adults & Adults
Westberg, Granger E.
Good Grief, Augsburg Fortress, 1997
This book describes what happens to us whenever we lose someone or
something important.
Whitson, Stephanie
Grace: How to Help a Grieving Friend, NavPress, 2011
This book is written very matter-of-factly from survivors’ points of view.
This book helps friends understand what the grief-stricken friend is
going through, and how to help them best.
Late Teens & Adults
Wilber, Ken
Grace and Grit, Shambhala Publications, 2000
The author’s commentary is combined with his wife’s journals to create
a portrait of health and healing, wholeness and harmony, suffering and
Wolfelt, Alan
Understanding Your Grief: The Essential Touchstones for Finding
Hope and Healing When You Hurt, Companion Press, 2003
According to the author, in the wilderness of grief, touchstones are the
trail markers, the signs that let you know you are on the right path.
Young adults & Adults
(Note: Accompanying journal can also be purchased)
Zackheim, Victoria
Exit Laughing, Random House, 2012
This book is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Native Arts
and Sciences, a nonprofit educational corporation whose goals are to
develop an educated and cross-cultural perspective.
Young adults & Adults
Zunin, Leonard M., M. D. & Zunin, Hilary S.
The Art of Condolence, Harper Perennial, 1992
This book gives suggestions on what to write, say, and do after a loss.
